Thursday, February 3, 2011

All good things must come to an end or must they?

       Yesterday was officially the first day of my last semester in college. I cannot even believe how fast it has gone! I can still remember my first night of college...bawling on the floor and wanting nothing more than to go home. I have come a long way! Sure, college has had its ups and downs. I have some regrets, but who doesn't? The point isn't to look back and regret those experiences but to learn from them. The most important thing I found in my time at Luther was the person that I want to be. Maybe I could have spent more time studying and made the Dean's List but this isn't what I'm going to take with me from college. I am going to take with me the friendships, the lessons I've learned, and more importantly: a changed me.

Here's my reaction to my last semester of college

       Our speaker at our high school graduation talked about the importance of leaving our comfort zone in the next chapter of our lives. This is exactly what I did! I went to a school that was three hours from home where I did not know a soul and I think I am a better person because of it. Not only will Luther have taught me how to write a proper business memo, and how in the H-E double hockey sticks to figure out what Shakespeare was really saying, but it taught me independence and gave me the confidence to go after my dreams (cheesy, but seriously). I went into college thinking I was going to be a Bio major and the next Dr. Dolittle and I am graduating with a degree in English and I Facebook and Tweet like it's my job. I literally want to do this for my job. Maybe expanding my knowledge of Twitter and Social Media isn't what someone would consider impressive knowledge to take with me but my experience at Luther helped me find this passion. Hopefully when I am someday tweeting about the Minnesota Wild or the Twins for my future job I will look back and thank Luther. Liberal Arts Colleges such as Luther are great because not only do they provide a well-rounded education but more importantly a well-rounded EXPERIENCE.
      In the end I have a lot to be thankful for because I went out of my comfort zone and this is only just the beginning. I think that's one of life's greatest lessons, sometimes you have to leave your comfort zone if you want to be great. Most importantly don't be afraid to take chances and just remember: Live and Learn.


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